Sometimes you may wish to unfollow those unhelpful friends in twitter, those are not following you. Even if you are following them, they have not made a similar act yet. If you wish to unfollow only one or two twitter friends, then it will not a matter as you can unfollow them by going to their twitter page and click the “Unfollow” button. But its not a good idea to use this process for your hundreds of friends. YOu need a solution to unfollow them in a batch.
Web Tools
ScribeFire Extension for Google Chrome
If you are a blogger with multiple blogs, then ScribeFire is the most useful tool for you. The scribefire tool is available as a browser extension or add-on. You can use ScribeFire in Firefox, Google Chrome, and in Safari browsers. The best thing is that this is a free service. After installing Scribe fire, you can add multiple blogs into it and can post to those multiple blogs from one place. No need to login to those blogs again and again with separe windows. This magic tool helps you to post to all your blogs from one place.
11 Lab Features for Gmail Users to Feel Like a Pro
Lab features of Gmail saves a lot of time. Developing these features keeps the Gmail team busy all the time. They have released so many lab features. Some have been graduated and made permanent to use with Gmail and some have been removed due to non-popularity. You may follow their official Blog to get the updates about the lab features. Here are the 5 most useful Lab feature that helps you to use Gmail like a pro.