Blogger is one of the premier and best platform to create a free Blog. Not only via subdomain, you can also use a custom domain for your Blogspot Blog and make it look professional. But the limited templates in doesn’t really put any limit to the look of the blog. There are so many beautiful, responsive, Professional looking templates available from third party websites/developersto use with your Blog. Those templates are so professional, one can’t easily detect that you are using Blogspot platform. Here are some hand picked freely available templates for you to select for your Blogger Blog. We will add new and smart templates regularly. So keep an eye on this space.
Accord Blogger Template
A clean blogger template that can be used for photography, Magazine or for multi-purpose blogs. Beautiful Navigation design, A clean photo gallery that slides and pinterest like posts display makes this template an outstanding one. You can get the free as well as the paid version of this template. Really a nice template from Soratemplates.
Aware Responsive Blogger Template
Aware from ivythemes is a beautiful responsive blogger template that perfectly fits for a gallery like website. You can use this for photography or magazine purpose. A simple thumbnail slider is available in the home page and the internal pages look simple and neat with tabbed widget in sidebar, social sharing icons, toggle footer etc.
Balance Responsive Blogger Theme
It’s another responsive wordpress converted blogger template with features like big newsletter signup box in the header, mobile responsive, simple, boxed posts (grid style) with thumbnail view, dropdown menu, page navigation widget, threaded comments etc.
Blogger News Times
It’s a portal like free template and you can use this for multi-purpose blogs (suitable for news and magazine styled blogs).Two navigation menus, Social sharing icons, small post thumbnails in sidebar widget, home page slider, boxed categories, tabbed widget in sidebar, two sidebars, 4 footer widget options are some of the best features of this website.
ZikazevBlue Blogger Theme
News Magazine styled, beautiful, simple and clean blogger template for your multi-purpose needs. Social sharing icons available in header, two navigation menus present with drop-down options and related posts showing at the end of each posts.
Bootstrap Blogger Template
A free responsive blogger template with features like Grid System, Auto Read more, JavaScript plug-ins, easy to use CSS etc.
Boutique Blogger Template
Create your own on-line store with Blogger by using this free template. You may buy the pro version for additional features and commercial use.
Fully Responsive, magazine styles and cool navigation style makes this theme unique. Featured Carousel slider makes the homepage beautiful. Adsense Advertisements supported in header and Sidebar. Tabbed content Widget, Related post box at the end of every post and Category Posts widget with Small thumbnails are some of the additional great feature of this template.
Cute, Cool and Compact. This is a beautiful template with slider on home page, Subscription box on sidebar, post thumbnail features etc. Use this free template for your professional use.